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Wednesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Ruffers brought up the rear while Griff forged ahead during our hike at the Chautauqua this morning. When Avo and Dylan had their turns off leash, Dylan ambled along ahead of the pack while Avo would run ahead and return to the rest of us whenever I called her back. Nobody ventured off to get into anything nasty today. We just had a pleasant hike on a nice, cool, autumn day.

Variety Pack

We saw an old friend of the pack named Dexter, at the Valmont Dog Park today. He had a rubber Chuckit! ball that he held onto the way Zoey holds onto a ball once she decides it's hers. Imogene almost snagged it one of the few times he allowed it to be thrown; after that close call, he held onto it even more dearly. Rey, Carl, Zoey, Archie and Petie all enjoyed running along when Imogene fetched her own tennis ball. Carl chased down a few shorter throws. Zoey eventually found another tennis ball and then lay under someone's chair to chew on it for a while. Rey joined up with a big, yellow-coated Shepherd mix to chase Archie around and wrestle with him. Petie spent some time sniffing around on his own and some time joining in with chases here and there; he also had some fun rolling around in the grass.



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