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Wednesday Pack Activities (9/13/2023)

Adventure Pack

As we were heading out along Baseline Trail, Nelly became hesitant to go further. She had done the same thing the past couple days, but it took a little more to get her to keep going today. I wonder whether she has been sensing bears in the area and that is making her uneasy. Once we get a little further along the trail, she does fine and doesn't make any more stops. Whatever it is, the other dogs haven't seemed to take notice of anything. Ruffers and Dylan brought up the rear as we traversed Bluebell-Baird Trail, sniffing side-by-side as they went. We didn't see a ton of grasshopper activity today, but Bear was very curious about a couple who crossed his path on the trail. He dipped his nose down to sniff at one and then flinched as it leapt away. Later, he snapped his jaws to try to catch one but wasn't quick enough.

Variety Pack

Archie, Buddy and Lumi were pretty worked up at the house before our walk this afternoon. Buddy's exuberance held over through our trip to Bear Creek Greenway. He kept jumping at Archie, so I had to keep them separate on opposite sides of me. Then, he tried getting Nelly worked up but she just ignored him. Alfie's limp was a bit worse today despite taking it pretty easy for the past several days; usually it improves as he goes, but it didn't this time so we slowed our pace. Nelly was in more of a mood to seek grass to nibble on than she has been lately. Lumi walked wonderfully, and somehow managed to avoid becoming a target of Buddy's attempts to disrupt things during the outing.



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