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Wednesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Dylan and Avo rolled in the grass at Chautauqua Park before we headed up the trail this morning. Ruffers also lay down by her packmates, but without any goofy antics. Later on, Avo was curious about some magpies hanging out on the trail, and ran ahead to check them out; of course, they all took flight upon her approach and left her standing alone on the trail in their wake. Sputnik's interest was piqued when he saw Avo run ahead, and he trotted up to join her. It was good seeing Sputnik have a little extra energy. Shortly after that, Avo found another severed deer leg, and crunched a bit of bone off the end before leaving it like I instructed her to do. The rest of the pack left it alone - even Ruffers, surprisingly.

Variety Pack

There were some prairie dogs out along one strip of the Goose Creek Greenway. Rey and Carl perked up when they started chirping at us, but they kept on track without trying to veer off to engage. Zoey had some new stops she wanted to make along the way, mostly at the trunks of big trees. Imogene was along for the trip, just going with the flow. She and Carl had a brief moment of playful dodging with each other at one point during the walk, which seemed to be instigated by Carl.



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