Wednesday Pack Activities (8/7/2024)
Bonus Pack
Racer, Arlo, Blu, and Gidget enjoyed a stroll to Wonderland Lake this morning. The walk was mostly in the sun, but it wasn't too hot at that time of morning. A friendly, gentle dog stopped to briefly sniff greetings with Racer and Arlo, who were walking on the trail side of me. Blu and Gidget were sniffing around the edge of the trail on the field side of me, and the other dog had moved on before they had a chance to say hello.
Adventure Pack
After wading in the creek with Ruffers, Bear, and Carl, Lou shook off near Nelly. Carl and Bear were eager to sniff trees, mark them, and then kick up grass. Lou had only gone into elbow-deep water and was hardly wet. Only a few droplets hit me and Nelly, but Nelly immediately shook off in turn as if she had been soaked. Later in the walk, Nelly actually planted one leg into water a few inches deep, which is the furthest in I think I've seen her go. Of course, when Bear shook off by her, she immediately retracted from the bank - but didn't shake herself off that time.
Variety Pack
Storm clouds kept the sun off of us as Griff, Lumi, Alfie, Buddy, and Archie walked Bear Creek Greenway this afternoon. Griff and Alfie competed to see who could kick up more grass after marking spots along the way. At a couple points, Buddy was overcome with the urge to tackle Archie, and the two of them wrestled around a bit. Archie attempted to mount Lumi, but Lumi didn't hesitate to rebuff him with some skilled body blocking, and Archie was quick to concede.