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Wednesday Pack Activities (8/28/2024)

Adventure Pack

Ruffers, Carl, Lucy, and Bear strolled Boulder Creek Path this afternoon, since the sun was feeling pretty hot again. Bear dipped himself in the creek, while the rest of the pack just waded in shallows. Carl wanted to walk on the outside of Ruffers, but I kept redirecting him back to the inside so as not to have our littlest pack member at the center of the path where bicyclists zip by. Lucy pounced off the path and into the brush of the adjacent hillside as we walked around Eben G. Fine Park, presumably hunting a mouse that caught the corner of her eye.

Variety Pack

Buddy immediately set out in pursuit of Archie when we arrived at the Valmont Dog Park this afternoon, while Archie had a great time playing rabbit. A lively Husky joined in with their chase. Later on in our visit, Griff took an interest in that same Husky and followed her around for a bit, making a few attempts to mount her. Alfie romped around with a puppy who looked like a Rottweiler mix, and that same puppy joined in when Buddy was chasing Archie around some more. Lumi mostly entertained himself by alternating between wallowing in the kiddie pool and then rolling in the dirt. He made a few playful starts with his packmates, but didn't join in for the long runs. Griff took an interest in playing fetch alongside a very focused dog who looked like a short-haired Border Collie, even though he refused to return any of the balls I threw for him. Archie and Buddy chased down some of my throws alongside Griff, but they also left them behind after getting to them. Alfie joined in one time and ended up drawing Archie and Buddy into a big chase instead.



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