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Wednesday Pack Activities (7/17/2024)

Adventure Pack

Nelly, Lumi, Lucy, and Bear enjoyed hiking up to the red rocks at The Peoples' Crossing today. We looped up to them a couple times, taking different paths over the mountain. Bear and Lumi were eager to get into the water each time we came to it, while Nelly and Lucy both stayed dry. I dabbed a little water onto Nelly's paws as she stood on the bank of the ditch, and she didn't mind. Lumi and Lucy both got very excited about a chipmunk that they saw at the base of a nearby tree, before it scurried up the opposite side, out of sight.

Variety Pack

Buddy, Lumi, Archie, Griff, and Alfie had a great time at Valmont Dog Park this afternoon. Griff, Archie, and Alfie got their paws wet in the kiddie pools at both spigots. Lumi lay down and really soaked in them, then rolled around in the dirt as soon as he got out. Buddy chased Archie around in fits and spurts. Lumi, Alfie, and Griff all had their own bursts of playful energy, prompting giddy gallops across the park. There were a lot of friendly dogs coming and going this afternoon. Archie and Griff were both very interested in a Golden Retriever puppy who wanted to play; however, the pup was overwhelmed with Archie's barking in his ear and Griff's insistence on trying to mount him. He was more comfortable having his ears licked by Alfie while Lumi lounged in front of them. Buddy pursued Archie while Archie pursued tennis balls, but no tennis balls were returned. Griff had a passing interest in chasing down a tennis ball as well, but quickly moved on to other things.



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