Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Dylan was happy to take advantage of the freshly-fallen snow, by flopping down and rolling around in it every so often as we hiked at Shanahan Ridge this morning. At one point, Mamacita walked up to where Dylan had just rolled around, sniffing at the snow. I thought she was going to follow suit and go for a wiggle in the snow herself, but she continued on by after checking out the scene. Ruffers mostly kept up with Dylan at the lead throughout our hike, and she and Dylan went for a short run together, side-by-side.
Variety Pack
Rey and Carl kept wandering off into the snow beside the path as we walked through town along Boulder Creek. Imogene had a brief bout of playful energy that struck out of nowhere. She started hopping around and trying to get Carl to join in with her, but settled down pretty quickly when I directed her back into her place in the pack formation. After making her usual stops to sniff around various trees at Eben G. Fine Park, Zoey followed dutifully in place throughout the rest of the walk.