Wednesday Pack Activities (5/15/2024)
Adventure Pack
Bear, Dylan, Ruffers, and Lucy investigated a few stops on the way up Chautauqua Trail today, but we made good time and went a bit further up the mountain today. Bear didn't wander off so far during his off leash time; he and Dylan followed pretty closely behind the rest of us. A magpie on a fencepost caught Lucy's attention. She stared intently as we approached but didn't make any moves, even when the bird took wing. A moment later, however, she immediately pounced at a small butterfly that flew by. Ruffers kept pace at my side through the hike and as we strolled around the field at the end.
Variety Pack
Archie and Buddy chased each other all over Valmont Dog Park this afternoon. Archie also found an Australian Shepherd to pursue. Buddy tagged along, though he was only interested in Archie. Alfie quickly befriended a dog who was bigger than most, but still much smaller than him. Alfie has often been gentle and passive when playing with smaller dogs, letting them jump all over him. With a bigger playmate, he threw his weight around more and kept tackling the other dog. I put him on a leash for a little while to calm him down. Meanwhile, Lumi made the most of the kiddie pool and got a good soak in before rolling around in the dirt. Griff roamed around, keeping tabs on his packmates and joining in for some shorter runs here and there. Alfie found another friend who held his own better, and the two of them went on some big back-and-forth chases, with Alfie actually getting tumbled by a check from his new companion.