Wednesday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Sputnik joined Dylan in the stream at Gregory Canyon today, while Ruffers sat with me on a nearby rock. The dogs took turns off leash in pairs as we headed up the mountain on the Bluebell-Baird Trail, looped around the connector to the Flatiron trails, and made our way back down along the Ski Jump Trail. Ruffers lingered to sniff hello with a couple dogs we passed. Sputnik and Dylan stuck near me, with Dylan in front, as usual. Everyone was especially eager to get treats today, and came over to me in a hurry whenever they noticed me reach for my treat pocket.
Variety Pack
Lizzo and Carl wrestled around in the back of the packmobile, on our way to Valmont City Park, where we walked the Goose Creek Greenway Trail. Imogene barked at our two youngest pack members a couple times, while Rey and Zoey lay quietly. Carl and Lizzo's puppy energy continued through most of today's walk, as they were both pretty distracted by every scent and every blade of grass along the way. The whole pack perked up at the sight of prairie dogs on our route, and Rey watched some red-winged blackbirds with keen interest as they flew low overhead. Gray clouds and a strong, cool breeze threatened a thunderstorm that never materialized, and we made it back to the packmobile dry.