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Wednesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

The pack was sniffing around the trail head at the start of our hike when another hiker passed by behind us. Avo was startled when she suddenly noticed the nearby dog, and reacted with a spat of barking. Dylan barked a couple times in solidarity with Avo, so I got both of their attentions and reminded them to mind their manners. Bear jumped and splashed around in Silver Lake Ditch again on our way up Red Rocks Trail; Imogene danced at the water's edge; Dylan lay down for a soak; Avo mostly ran around in the surrounding brush, but also waded through the water a few times. The dogs were all very pleasant when greeting dogs along the trail. A couple hikers laughed at Bear's playful leap as they passed by with their little dog. Imogene stayed at a close heel for most of her off-leash time, as did Avo. Dylan kept a bit ahead during our descent. Bear lingered far behind when he was off-leash, and we had to double back a couple times to get his attention and round him up.

Variety Pack

Archie, Buddy and Lumi wrestled relentlessly at the house before our visit to Valmont Dog Park, while Alfie lounged. At the park, Lumi and Alfie wandered off to sniff around and greet other dogs while Archie and Buddy continued to chase and wrestle with each other. Archie would sometimes get excited about greeting another dog, and Buddy would tag along for the greeting, mostly just interested in regaining Archie's attention. Lumi and Alfie each took a turn running around with Archie and Buddy at different points in our visit. Alfie kept an eye on Lumi and rushed over to him to hop and bow in front of him at the first sign that Lumi might be interested in play. Sometimes Lumi responded with play moves or a chase; sometimes he just stood and watched Alfie acting goofy in front of him. Lumi made the most of the kiddie pool to cool off after we had been at the park for a while, and didn't mind other dogs stepping in to soak alongside him in the other half of the small pool.



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