Wednesday Pack Activities (11/20/2024)
Adventure Pack
On our way up Chautauqua Trail, an off-leash dog gave the pack a wide berth by trotting down through the brush on the far side of the trail. Nonetheless, Ruffers politely ambled over and made friends with the other dog. Meanwhile, Lucy and Bear were on leash and complained a bit about not being able to go over as well. Their attentions were soon directed elsewhere when Lucy found a stick that the other dog had been carrying before passing us. She and Bear proceeded to have a tug-of-war with it for a little while. It broke at one point, leaving Bear with the short end of the stick. When he tried to snatch the other part from Lucy, she expertly dodged and turned her head aside to keep the stick from Bear's jaws. It seemed like they could go on forever, so I eventually took the stick and gave everyone treats before moving on. A little bit later, Bear enjoyed shouldering down in some icy snowpack further up the trail.
Variety Pack
Alfie, Buddy, Lumi and Griff walked around Wonderland Lake this afternoon. Buddy barked at the first couple dogs we passed, but found his manners for the rest of the walk. Alfie has developed a habit of wandering off the path and through the brush (or snow) beside it, rather than sticking together with me and his packmates on the paved (or beaten) path. The boys were all happy to take those opportunities to sniff around in the brush along with Alfie, and Alfie would eventually make his way back onto the path once we got moving again - only to soon veer off again. When they weren't joining Alfie to sniff beside the trail, Griff and Lumi trotted perfectly at my side. The only exception was when Lumi saw a nearby rabbit and made one hop toward it. The others didn't seem to notice the cause for Lumi's break in formation.