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Wednesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Another busy day at the Chautauqua, but again slightly less so than the day before. Avo and Dylan got a bit worked up and barked at a passing dog when they heard another dog bark further up the trail and they took it as an indication that something was off. Dylan stopped after one strong, "Woof!" Avo lost her composure a bit more, but she listened after a moment and sat beside the trail politely to let them continue on by. Griff and Dylan took turns at the forward position during different stretches of the walk. Ruffers brought up the rear, as usual, falling especially far behind whenever there was another dog back there whom she needed to greet. Avo roamed around a bit, but not too far - she mostly followed Griff around.

Variety Pack

Zoey, Carl, Rey and Archie were adamant about sniffing a particular lamppost along the Boulder Creek Path this afternoon. Carl was so interested in it that he peed on it twice. Zoey also left her mark, just beside it. For whatever reason, Milo and Imogene weren't as drawn to it, although they had done some sniffing alongside their packmates earlier in the walk. Rey, Imogene and Archie started to get a little rowdy with each other at one point, and it took a moment to get them to all settle down. There was another area in front of the library where Zoey really wanted to pull over to sniff, but it was littered with goose poop so I insisted that we move along.



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