Wednesday Pack Activities (10/16/2024)
Adventure Pack
Lucy spent some time off leash with Bear today, and did a great job! She stuck close to the pack, only wandering a couple meters off trail to sniff around sometimes. Bear led the way, but Lucy hung back closer to Lou, Ruffers, and me. She came quickly when called, and everybody enjoyed some treats. Despite the weather being notably cooler, Lou and Ruffers were still in no hurry on the mountain.
Variety Pack
Buddy and Archie enjoyed some wrestling before heading out on the pack walk at Boulder Creek this afternoon. Once walking, they shifted gears and mostly didn't harass each other; however, Archie tried mounting Alfie a couple times along the way, and Buddy would then try to tackle Archie in response. Alfie was quick to hop away from Archie whenever an attempt was made. Griff and Lou kept out of it. Aside from those couple moments, the dogs walked in place together pretty nicely for the most part. Alfie hopped a little when we went by a few geese, but he didn't pull toward them. Buddy woofed at a couple of the dogs we passed, who were a bit worked up themselves, and it took some effort to keep Archie walking at my side at those times because he just wanted to rush over and say hello. Those were brief moments sprinkled through an otherwise calm and pleasant walk on a beautiful autumn day. Everyone sniffed around together in a pretty orderly manner, without pulling or getting tangled up, whenever we pulled over so the pack could indulge in some olfactory exploration.