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Tuesday Pack Activities (9/5/2023)

Adventure Pack

Griff and Imogene were both excited to go sniff hello with a couple Bernese Mountain Dogs along Bluebell-Baird Trail at the Chautauqua this morning. Sanni and Racer followed the fork the other way with me to head back down toward Chautauqua Trail. Griff and Imogene lingered behind for a minute with their new friends before catching up to us. With the temperature right around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, partly-cloudy skies and a gentle breeze, it was perfect hiking weather. Despite that, the climb up the mountain had all the dogs panting pretty hard and everyone happily took some water from the Camelbak, which has a new water bladder that hopefully won't leak like the previous one had been doing.

Bonus Pack

Taco and Monkey enjoyed a walk to Wonderland Lake with Jen while the Adventure Pack was out. Taco was very interested in the smells along the way and made a lot of stops. Monkey showed great improvement in her on-leash habits, and went some good stretches on a loose leash.

Variety Pack

Ruffers, Zoey, Carl and Taco headed to Bear Creek Greenway for an afternoon stroll. Taco didn't poke around as much as he had earlier on his walk with Monkey, but he and Carl did veer off into the tall grass a few times to sniff around and leave their marks. Ruffers and Zoey made sure we stopped at our usual break spot by the mile marker boulder near the basketball courts. I had to quickly check over my shoulder to make sure there were no bikers coming up as the two of them hurried across the path as we approached. Thankfully, there were not, so their enthusiasm didn't need to be interrupted.


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