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Tuesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Sputnik seems to manage the steeper steps up the Saddle Rock Trail better when he's free to navigate them off leash, whereas I always need to prod him along through those spots when he is on the leash with me. While he was off leash, he also enjoyed wading through the muckier section of the small creek we cross, just downstream from the main trail crossing. Carl seemed eager to join Sputnik there, but he was on leash and I kept him to the clearer water. Meanwhile, Racer enjoyed dunking her face into the water repeatedly. Griff sniffed all around the banks of the creek. He lingered at the downstream spot where Sputnik was getting mucked up, but didn't join him in the water; he came and crossed through the less nasty spot along with me and his packmates.

Variety Pack

Lou enjoyed a solo walk at the Bear Creek Path this afternoon. I let her set the pace. We ambled around a bit at the beginning, but then she settled into a steady pace. There were a lot of bicyclists on the path today, ringing their bells and warning of passing "on your left!" Lou was unperturbed by all the hubbub.



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