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Tuesday Pack Activities (8/1/2023)

Adventure Pack

Imogene rushed to the Silver Lake Ditch each time we approached it, but never got into the water. As soon as we got near the water, Racer started pulling hard to get into it. Dylan and Griff both enjoyed taking a dip as well. We moved pretty slowly up the mountain and didn't go very far up Anemone Trail. When we came back down to Eben G. Fine Park, Dylan put up a little resistance to continuing along Boulder Creek Path to finish out the trip, shooting me a glance that said, "But the packmobile is that way..." Once he gave in and followed the pack, he seemed content with sticking to the shade as we walked along a little further before heading back.

Variety Pack

There was a Goldendoodle puppy at the Valmont Dog Park who chased Carl as Carl played fetch, and then tagged along with Dylan for a bit. Zoey was pretty intent on eating grass. At least she didn't get into the mud puddles at the north end of the park, where it looks like some irrigation infrastructure has been damaged. She raced Carl for the tennis ball a few times, but mostly left him to it. Dylan was a bit grumpy toward a couple Huskies who greeted us when we first entered the park, but he relaxed as we walked around.


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