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Tuesday Pack Activities (7/30/2024)

Adventure Pack

Racer bobbed in Boulder Creek and trolled the bed with her paws, searching for waterlogged sticks amongst the exposed roots. Meanwhile, Arlo was dropping into play-bows in the water in front of Imogene, who stood poised and then hopped back and forth with him. Griff stood beside me on the bank, watching his packmates' antics without participating in any of the tomfoolery. We kept a casual strolling pace throughout the outing, when the dogs weren't enjoying the creek.

Variety Pack

Lou and Dylan submerged themselves in the creek, per usual. Carl, Gidget, Blu, and Alfie all waded around in shallower water, while Kona decided to stay dry. Carl, Alfie, Dylan, Blu, and Kona all gathered together at various sights of olfactory interest, while Lou and Gidget tended to take a pass on sniffing.



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