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Tuesday Pack Activities (7/16/2024)

Adventure Pack

The pack headed up the Red Rocks Trails from The Peoples' Crossing today. Racer, Imogene, Griff, and Arlo all took advantage of the water as we stopped at the ditch on our way up and again on our way down. We then strolled through Eben G. Fine Park and down Boulder Creek Path. The dogs got into the water one more time in the creek. Racer headed straight in, in an hurry. Arlo leapt and splashed around playfully. Griff and Imogene were more reserved in their interactions with the water.

Variety Pack

After a brief afternoon shower, the pack headed to Bear Creek Greenway for an afternoon stroll. The dogs were all very interested in a big tree near the basketball courts, so we hung out there for a couple minutes while everybody performed thorough inspections. Lucy, Nelly, and Lumi checked out the south side of the trunk, while Alfie, Dylan, and Carl took the north side. There was then a bit of overlapping between team A and team B, to check each others' work. Once everyone was satisfied with their findings, we regrouped and continued on in a pretty orderly formation.



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