Tuesday Pack Activities (4/2/2024)
Adventure Pack
Imogene did sprints up and down the trail as we headed partway up Royal Arch from the Chautauqua. Griff trotted to keep up with her, but didn't attempt to chase. Racer and Arlo walked pretty nicely on leash with me, after making frequent stops early on to sniff around and relieve themselves. During the return leg, Griff started barking from his scouting position ahead of the rest of the pack. As we caught up to him, I saw what I think was the back end of a bobcat as it slinked down behind a large, fallen tree trunk at a nearby ridgeline. Once it was out of sight, Griff relaxed his guard as I leashed him up and we continued down the mountain. As we made our way back down Chautauqua Trail, a friendly, mild-mannered, older yellow Lab walked right up to the pack and was promptly flanked on both sides as everyone sniffed hello.
Variety Pack
Alfie and Carl enjoyed a stroll along Goose Creek Greenway to Boulder Creek Path from Valmont Park this sunny afternoon. The prairie dogs got one attempted charge out of Alfie upon our first close encounter, and then Alfie kept his composure for the remainder of the walk despite their continued chirping. Carl didn't care about the prairie dogs, and just walked along happily. The path was a lot busier than usual, with many human and dog pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders in view all at the same time.
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