Tuesday Pack Activities (2/27/2024)
Adventure Pack
Racer and Arlo sniffed along the surface of the snow beside the trail, side-by-side, scooping up some snow in their mouths along the way. Imogene was very excited to get some off-leash time. She bounded all around, and Griff picked up his pace to trot beside her briefly whenever she would come running up from behind him. Arlo bounced around playfully while watching Imogene go. I threw some snowballs for everyone. Imogene dove for them the most aggressively. Griff stood still and opened his mouth, then looked at me judgmentally when my throws fell short. Racer and Arlo let the snowballs fall, and then chomped at the snow in front of them.
Variety Pack
Carl walked Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon, with the prairie dogs announcing our approach and keeping us company as we went. I stopped to get a photo of Carl with one of the chirping prairie dogs in the background, but the little one hurried down his hole when I pulled my phone out. Carl barely wanted to walk, and instead spent as much time possible sniffing around in the dead grass beside the path. He lifted his leg three or four times in one area alone.