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Tuesday Pack Activities (12/3/2024)

Adventure Pack

Arlo did some serious kicking up of dirt after doing his business at the Chautauqua today. Racer checked out all the scents she could. Griff pranced around in the snow, goading Imogene into running after him. She was happy to oblige, and then he only ran a short distance before stopping and letting her tire herself out as she did big loops around him. Good job making the youngest pack member work the hardest, Griff!

Variety Pack

Dylan, Tozai, Carl and Sanni took a stroll to Wonderland Lake this afternoon. At the beginning of the walk, Sanni and Tozai were both pulling ahead a bit. With consistent feedback, Tozai started walking in place beside Dylan. Sanni was still drawn by various smells we approached, and made straight for them with little regard for the leash. Carl and Dylan were also very interested in the smells to be found along the way. Carl was often first to mark them, and then last to follow up with marking them again, after his packmates had their turns. Dylan flopped down in a patch of snow at one point and rolled around a little, while Tozai dropped into a play-bow in front of him and enjoyed watching his elder packmate act silly.

Bonus Pack

Ruffers, Lou, Yoshi and Teo also walked to Wonderland Lake today. Teo was the puller of the group this time; Ruffers, Yoshi and Lou all did a good job of following pace. Yoshi kept a little more ahead than at my side, but his pace was steady and he didn't pull. Early on, we walked by a barking, little dog behind a fence. Ruffers and Lou remained calm. To my surprise, Yoshi did as well. Teo was the only one to react, whimpering and frantically trying to pull over to the fence. By the last stretch of the walk, Teo was starting to walk more in line with me, and Yoshi also eased into a position that was a little less ahead. Before and after the walk, Yoshi and Teo enjoyed some chasing and wrestling at the house.



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