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Tuesday Pack Activities (12/24/2024)

Adventure Pack

Imogene sprinted around on her own at Kohler Mesa today while Racer, Arlo and Griff were busy sniffing. There were a lot of dogs and people out on the trails today. We came upon one friendly group of off-leash dogs who stopped to sniff hello with the pack. A couple other dogs only paused long enough for Arlo and Griff to say hello, and hurried along before Racer and Imogene had a chance to cross over and greet them.

Variety Pack

Carl, Tozai, Lumi, Alfie, Milo and Dylan strolled Boulder Creek Path this afternoon. When loading into the packmobile before heading there, Alfie caught sight of a rabbit and tried to dart for it, then whined and fussed about its escape. It wasn't as busy as the Chautauqua was earlier. There was a rustling in the leaves in the brush ahead of us at one point along the path. I couldn't tell what it was, but whatever it was, Lumi was very interested and made a lunge in that direction. None of the others reacted. The boys stopped to sniff a lot of trees along the way; however, Milo was usually happy being the odd one out as he just waited on the path while his packmates investigated and marked the trunks. Dylan was typically the first to be satisfied with the sniffing, and then to go stand beside Milo to wait for the rest of their packmates to finish their work. Tozai was far too interested in goose droppings that were scattered across a stretch of the path, and I had to make him drop a mouthful.


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