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Tuesday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Imogene ran all around at the Chautauqua today. Griff joined in to run around with her some, but she also just frolicked on her own. Racer, Griff and Imogene all enjoyed greeting a very friendly Husky who seemed like she wanted to join the pack. Everyone nibbled at the grass in the same area the packs have been drawn to lately.

Variety Pack

Carl was relentless in fetching today. Zoey was more willing than usual to give her own ball up to be thrown, until she found a rubber Chuckit! ball which she guarded jealously. Petie wasn't very interested in chasing balls, and instead roamed and sniffed around. There weren't a lot of dogs at the park, but there were a few playful ones who entertained the pack. A couple raced Carl for tennis balls. A couple hopped and dodged around with Petie. Zoey didn't play with the other dogs, but enjoyed a lot of attention from their humans.


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