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Tuesday Pack Activities (1/9/2024)

Adventure Pack

Imogene and Griff ran ahead on the trail at Shanahan Ridge while Racer and Arlo took their time hiking at my sides and sniffing the snow-covered ground. Along the way, Imogene found various sticks to chew up. Racer opted for munching on snow. After watching Racer for a minute, Arlo started to partake in the white stuff as well. Meanwhile, Griff was busy playing scout. He was a good boy and promptly returned to the pack when I called to him upon the approach of other dogs.

Variety Pack

Carl, Taco and Monkey walked Bear Creek Greenway this afternoon. It was quiet and sparsely traveled today, aside from some kids leaving the school across the creek from Martin Park. Like Imogene this morning, Monkey was in the mood to chew on twigs. Carl and Taco did not partake. Carl left several marks around the same big tree trunk. Taco led us off the path to various sniffing spots.



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