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Tuesday Pack Activities (1/23/2024)

Adventure Pack

Imogene found various sticks along the way at Shanahan Ridge today. She would scoop one up, flaunt it playfully, chew on it a bit, and then leave it behind as she went in search for the next one. Racer kept her head down, as usual, sniffing her way all along the trail. Arlo was torn between watching Imogene's antics and aiding Racer in her investigations. Griff had his own agenda, leading the way and venturing off the trail a bit every so often to poke around.

Variety Pack

Taco, Monkey, Carl and Bear were all pretty stubborn about making frequent stops to check out the olfactory buffet of damp and muddy terrain beside the path around Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon. Carl left a lot of scent marks, per usual. Taco left a lot more than just a mark most of the time. I couldn't believe how much he still had left in the tank after having already made half a dozen such stops. Monkey and Bear were more interested in the sniffing than the marking. Some prairie dogs chirped at us from the distance, but they were far enough off that they didn't even catch puppy Monkey's attention.



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