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Thursday Pack Activities (8/24/2023)

Adventure Pack

Dylan, Griff, Taco and Racer headed up Red Rocks today, with some prolonged stops in Silver Lake Ditch on the way. Taco was last to leave the water during each break. Whatever had Dylan so worked up yesterday seemed to have moved on from the area, because Dylan didn't react oddly to anything in the environment today. He and Griff roamed the trail just ahead of Taco, Racer and me.

Variety Pack

Zoey did some people watching as tubers floated by while we were taking a water break in Boulder Creek this afternoon. Carl looked on alongside her, occasionally poking and sniffing at her chin to check in. Meanwhile, Archie, Blu and Taco were busy wading around in the water, and did not pay any attention to the people. Archie tried to get Blu's attention by hovering over him and humping when we started the return leg of the walk, but he laid off after I interrupted him a few times. Taco and Zoey had their own ideas about places where we needed to stop for a sniff. I obliged some of the time, while at other times I kept the pack moving along.

Bonus Pack

Monkey and Gidget headed out on a short walk to Wonderland Lake with Jen this afternoon. Monkey started the walk all over the place again and got excited about a rabbit they saw. Gidget walked nicely and didn't react to the rabbit. A woman and her young daughter asked to say hello to the dogs. Monkey and Gidget were both more than happy to get the attention.


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