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Thursday Pack Activities (8/22/2024)

Adventure Pack

Griff, Rey, Racer, and Arlo were all eager to get into the packmobile and out onto the trail today! Silver Lake Ditch was flowing as deep as I've seen it, and the dogs all enjoyed a dip. Another person hiking with her dog saw the pack splashing in the ditch and said it looked like a good idea, then stopped to let her dog into the water once we moved on. Rey got so excited about another off-leash dog we passed by, that she bounded by one of that dog's humans and thunked her head into his aluminum water bottle at high speed without skipping a beat, which caused us humans all to cringe while she just kept running around without a care in the world. Meanwhile, Griff was politely sniffing hello with the other dog. Racer was perpetually distracted by the smells along the side of the trail, forever pulling slightly off to the side to try to follow them further. Arlo had some very entertaining bursts of leaping and play-bowing each time we stopped at the water. He also got a bit worked up when watching Rey's unbridled exuberance.

Variety Pack

The pack had a slow start to the walk starting at Martin Park this afternoon. After everyone sniffed around the nearest tree, I tried to get us going on our usual route. Lou wasn't having it, and lay down in the grass instead. After a minute, I was able to get everyone moving again by heading the opposite way through the field, which Lou was fine with. Dylan, Carl, Yoshi, and Lumi all put their noses to work as we walked through the grass. Sometimes they all wanted to go in different directions; other times, their olfactory curiosities had them all converge on one spot. Between keeping leashes straight while getting everyone moving in the same direction and avoiding the boys tagging each other with their marks, I'm not sure which times were more challenging. Lou, on the other hand, went along with the flow very well once we made our initial reroute. For the latter half of the walk, the boys had all settled into a smoother rhythm as well.



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