Thursday Pack Activities (6/15/2023)
Adventure Pack
Tucker carefully navigated the stepping stones that peaked out of the stream at the base of the Saddle Rock Trail so he didn't have to get his paws too wet while he poked his nose into the water to hunt for sticks. He came up empty-mawed and returned to the bank to wait for Button and Racer to have their fill of wading in the stream Griff was in and out of the water pretty quickly before he wandered off to explore the vicinities. The pack got a lot of admiring looks and comments, which tends to happen even more often than usual when Button and Tucker are among the crew.
Variety Pack
Zoey, Carl, Avo, Taco and Clover headed to Valmont Park for a walk along Goose Creek Greenway, as storm clouds started gathering overhead. We were only sprinkled on lightly during our walk, and wrapped up well before the thunder and harder rain came in. We passed by some cyclists, a skateboarder, and a kid holding a big snake - none of which perturbed the pack. The prairie dogs were already hiding in their dens, in anticipation of the coming storm. The dogs were all pretty much on the same page today, pulling over to sniff the same spots as a unit and otherwise walking in nice formation with each other.
Bonus Pack
Mrs. Miggins, Roger Roger, Beard and Jonathan enjoyed an early-evening jaunt to Wonderland Lake after the thunderstorm subsided. Mrs. Miggins started strong but then began to drag behind a bit after the first 10 minutes or so. Beard pulled ahead a bit but not too badly with his gentle leader on. Roger Roger and Jonathan both kept pace nicely. Beard was super interested in the birds who were flitting about the trail near the pond, but the rest of the dogs didn't take much notice.