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Thursday Pack Activities (2/29/2024)

Variety Pack

After finding I had a flat tire this morning, the dogs from both of today's packs were combined in the Variety Pack for the afternoon. We headed to Boulder Creek on a fresh set of wheels, to see the condition of the area after avoiding it for a while. I was happily surprised to see the path from Eben G. Fine Park to Broadway was far less littered than in the recent past. It was even free of goose poop! However, the underpass at Broadway was not in such good shape. Also, all the geese were hanging out in the field by the half-shell, no doubt leaving their droppings there, but at least the path was untouched by them. Racer was really putting her nose to work today, constantly pulling to the side to try to follow scents. Griff, Carl, Buddy and Arlo were happy just trotting along in place, but they did all leave their own scents behind whenever we stopped.



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