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Thursday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Button and Racer hopped right into Boulder Creek at Eben G. Fine Park, while Griff and Tucker opted to stay dry. We only went a short way up Red Rocks Trail before returning to Boulder Creek Path for the rest of the walk. Button set a slow-but-steady pace. On the other hand, Tucker seemed especially frantic today - especially at one point when he was staring far up the path ahead and pulling on his leash as if trying to chase after something, even though I couldn't identify any target he might be after. The rest of the pack was equally in the dark about whatever got Tucker so worked up. Racer was the only pack member who leaned in to take water from the Camelbak today; Button, Tucker and Griff only drank when I tucked the spout under their lips to get them going.

Variety Pack

We had a cooler afternoon than the morning as Zoey, Carl and Clover walked at Wonderland Lake. The 83 degrees Fahrenheit that I had seen registered while out with the Adventure Pack had dropped to a pleasant 74 for our afternoon stroll. Zoey seems to particularly like to poke around and take her time when walking at Wonderland Lake. Clover likes to explore the brush off to the side of the path, but she usually maintains forward progress while she's at it. Zoey, on the other hand, is always looking to pause and take in the scenery, giving Carl opportunities to leave scent marks on nearby tufts of grass or tree trunks.



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