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Thursday Pack Activities (12/26/2024)

Adventure Pack

Racer, Rey, Arlo and Griff hiked Enchanted and Kohler Mesas today. They weren't that busy, but it was bustling closer to the Chautauqua trail head. The dogs stopped to sniff hello with one friendly dog we passed. Arlo kept his cool and didn't get too upset when we passed by other dogs who didn't come over to say hello. Rey and Griff wandered mostly independently during their off-leash time on the mesas. Racer did a good deal of sniffing along the edge of the trail throughout the hike, as usual.

Variety Pack

Milo, Carl, Lumi, Teo, Lou and Alfie walked Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon. It was a bit nicer than when the dogs walked there in the rain yesterday. Teo seems to be developing his on-leash walking manners bit by bit. Alfie helped to box Teo out at my side, which made it easier to keep him from constantly pulling ahead. It was a bit tougher when Alfie would get distracted and wander off into the brush beside the path, leaving an opening for Teo to advance. Meanwhile, Lumi, Carl, Milo and Lou all trotted along in steady formation. Alfie initiated some investigatory stops, at which Lumi and Carl were quick to join in and check things out for themselves. Teo would then try to get tangled up with his packmates, while Milo hung back and Lou sniffed around her own spot a short distance away.



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