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Thursday Pack Activities (12/19/2024)

Adventure Pack

Alfie, Arlo, Racer and Griff enjoyed hiking the mesas today. It was a bit windier than I had expected. Arlo whined a bit at the first dog we passed on our way up Bluebell Road. Racer pulled over to sniff around more than usual; typically she just picks up scents on the go, but today she wanted to stop and take them in. Griff was a steady and reliable hiking companion, as always. Alfie was a little wary of the pack's OSMP volunteer friend Reid when we first stopped to chat at the end of the hike, but he eventually sat and settled down.

Variety Pack

Dylan, Tozai, Alfie, Milo, Carl and Lumi walked Bear Creek Greenway from Martin Park this afternoon. Tozai was very interested in Milo, who he was meeting for the first time today. He followed him all around at the house before the walk, and kept trying to get his attention during the walk. Alfie walked between them, acting as a buffer, so Tozai wasn't constantly distracted with trying to harass his new friend. Partway through the walk, Carl, Dylan, Alfie and Lumi all thoroughly sniffed around the mile-marker boulder while Tozai chewed on a twig and Milo sat by and kept an eye on Tozai. By the end of the walk, Tozai accepted that he should stop bothering Milo, and the whole pack was walking in a very nice rhythm together.



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