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Monday Pack Activities (8/28/2023)

Adventure Pack

Bear, Ruffers and Dylan headed up Red Rocks Trail for a couple loops on the mountain. Bear was the first pickup today and he seemed surprised to find that Avo wasn't waiting for him in the packmobile as usual. He just stood at the door and didn't want to hop in, which was heartbreaking. The air was cool which made for a pleasant hike. Bear got worked up when we reached Silver Lake Ditch, and he bounded in, around and over the water. Dylan got in and out pretty quickly - a clear sign that the weather wasn't hot enough to require a good, long soak. Ruffers followed pretty closely the entire hike without falling far behind the way she often tends to.

Variety Pack

Zoey, Lou and Carl headed to CU South for a light trail hike as rain started sprinkling down on us. We took shelter beneath a big tree and waited for the shower to pass before we continued on under bluer skies. We met with a couple friendly dogs along the way, including a semi-blind one who rambled right up into the middle of everyone with a clumsy gait, to be received with warm curiosity by the pack.


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