Monday Pack Activities (7/31/2023)
Adventure Pack
Bear jumped and splashed in Silver Lake Ditch while Dylan and Avo soaked, and Imogene took a drink while staying dry on the bank. Dylan and Bear were both lagging behind as we made our way up the Anemone Trail. Dylan took a shortcut to catch up. Bear wandered off through the brush and then returned to us on the trail when we turned back to round him up. Imogene and Avo rushed to another part of Silver Lake Ditch on our way back down. Bear and Dylan followed behind them on leash with me and got another good soak in. Bear was less bouncy than he had been earlier, and just sat in the water to cool off.
Variety Pack
Storm clouds kept the sun off of the pack as we hiked the trails at CU South Campus this afternoon. We hardly saw another soul during our outing though there were several other cars in the parking lot. There were tons of baby grasshoppers scattering every which way as we passed through sections of trail that were overrun with tall grass. Carl, Zoey and Lou all seemed a bit wary of the disturbance and walked slowly, but Alfie was the only one I noticed actually focusing on the grasshoppers. He threw his head around a bit with his mouth agape, as if he was trying to catch a snack.