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Monday Pack Activities (5/13/2024)

Adventure Pack

Rey and Bear enjoyed roaming through the brush on our way up Chautauqua Trail, while Dylan and Ruffers hung out in the shade with me. I doused Dylan's head and neck with water to cool him off, and he did a good job of keeping up once we got moving again. Bear got a bit too distracted and wouldn't return when I called him. Rey stood halfway between the pack and Bear, passively trying to encourage Bear to return. When Bear was finally satisfied with his explorations and started bounding back to join us, Rey enthusiastically raced him.

Variety Pack

Rabbits were out and about as Carl, Lou, and Alfie walked around Wonderland Lake this afternoon. Alfie was tuned into their movements and started a few times when he noticed them nearby, but he managed to keep his excitement relatively contained as he didn't make any attempts to chase them. Lou and Carl weren't so interested in the rabbits. A thunderstorm rolled through while we were out. We took shelter from the from by some small trees and let it pass before resuming. Lightning strikes were pretty far off in the distance, but one of the rumbles was loud enough to make the dogs jump a bit. The latter part of our walk was mostly dry.



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