Monday Pack Activities (4/3/2023)
Adventure Pack
The pack headed to a different branch of the Mesa Trail and partway up the Woods Quarry today. We passed by a couple dogs on our way up Bluebell Road and nobody paid them any mind, but for some reason Avo got upset about the third dog we saw, who was just calmly walking by at their person's side. bear let out a little grumble in solidarity with Avo's two barks. I quickly had Avo sit and she quieted, but then let out another pair of barks. We saw a number of other dogs along the way after that, and Avo and Bear were both pleasant and friendly with them, as were Ruffers and Dylan. The dogs didn't run around much today. They all stopped and sniffed a lot of different spots together. In one area that especially interested the pack, Avo and Bear both found a bit of old scat of some type. I got Bear to drop what he found, but Avo was too quick. I noticed Dylan licking his lips a minute later, so I think he might have snuck a bit as well.
Variety Pack
Lou and Sanni had a playful reunion this afternoon after having spent the weekend together. Rey let them dodge around with each other, but then did a bit of wrestling with Sanni later on during our walk on the Bear Creek Greenway. The path was fairly quiet. Rey perked up at the sound of a skateboarder on a path on the other side of a field from us, but didn't overreact. Sanni started the walk eager and pulling ahead, but settled into pace after a bit.