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Monday Pack Activities (4/29/2024)

Adventure Pack

Archie and Bear bounded ahead, trying to outrace each other to the stream in the beginning stretch of Royal Arch. When Ruffers, Dylan, and I caught up to them, Dylan showed the others how to really make the most of a good stream by lying down and letting the water rush around him. Ruffers, on the other hand, delicately hopped over the stream, making sure not to get the least bit wet. On our way down the mountain, we crossed a particularly muddy stretch of trail just before getting back to the main Chautauqua Trail. There were a couple dogs on the Chautauqua Trail, and in Archie's eagerness to get to them he made his best attempt to pull me down into the mud. I managed to stay upright while Archie did his thing, and Ruffers hesitantly picked her way across the mud; Bear and Dylan trotted through without a problem.

Variety Pack

Archie, Milo, Lou, Carl, and Alfie all gathered around the nearest tree at the edge of the parking lot at Martin Park to sniff and leave their marks as we set out for our afternoon stroll. The walk was calm and quiet. Water was flowing swiftly through the Bear Creek drainage ditch beside the path, and a thin sheet spilled across the way at the low point of each underpass. Archie was tamer than usual, and didn't try to stir up any trouble; perhaps the hike earlier in the day tuckered him out a bit. Our only stops were at the mile marker boulder by the basketball courts and then at a strip of grass beside the path when we were turning around to head back. Everyone's noses went straight to that grassy area, so we lingered for a minute before moving on.



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