Monday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Sputnik, Curie, Ruffers, and Riley headed up the mostly-empty trails at the Chautauqua this morning. There were shallow puddles and some muddy sections, but the rain held off, and the dew-laden greenery looked especially lush in the overcast lighting. We only saw a few others along the way, and the dogs enjoyed taking a casual pace and sniffing around together in the wet grass.
Variety Pack
Carl, Rey, Lou, and Zoey were not as lucky as their morning counterparts, as a light rain kept up throughout our walk this afternoon. We similarly encountered few others out at Wonderland Lake, but the scene was a little less picturesque as we gradually grew more and more soaked. Each dog got wrapped in a towel back at the packmobile, as I did my best to dry them off and warm them up. Rey and Carl seemed a bit more exciteable and out of sorts than usual, but Lou and Zoey maintained their calm, mellow demeanors.