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Monday Pack Activities (12/23/2024)

Bonus Pack

Racer, Lumi, Griff and Arlo hiked around Wonderland Lake this morning. We made a lot of stops on the side of the path to the east of the pond, and beside the trail along the northeast side. Everyone had a lot of sniffing to do. Lumi and Racer were the most curious, while Arlo and Griff were usually satisfied marking spots after quick sniffs. When we were walking through the neighborhood on the north side of the pond, Arlo snatched up some remains of a mouse from the edge of the sidewalk. After the walk, he went to the vet to have vomiting induced, but seemed to be feeling fine the rest of the day.

Adventure Pack

Bear and Milo were pretty mellow during their off-leash time on the hike. They poked around Mesa Trail together, bringing up the rear. Rey ran up and down the trail a little bit when she was off-leash with Ruffers. Her stitched up paw seems to have healed up well after she got a deep cut between her toes a few weeks ago. Ruffers was more on speed with Milo and Bear, and followed her usual routine of lingering behind to take in scents. She and Rey greeted a friendly off-leash dog together. Milo and Bear also got to say hello, as the dog stopped for a sniff before continuing on by.

Variety Pack

Teo and Alfie were pretty distractable on our walk along Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon. They weren't that interested in the prairie dogs, even though there were some around; rather, Alfie wanted to sniff his way through the brush beside the path and Teo was watching all the bicyclists and other people who were within sight at any given time. Carl stuck his face in a patch of burrs. Teo became curious about Carl's mishap, but backed off when Carl grumped at him. I took a little while after the walk to pick all the burrs out from the top of Carl's head and his left ear. Dylan and Lou kept out of trouble and just trotted along in place.



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