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Monday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Dylan and Bear started the hike in Boulder Creek while Ruffers and Avo kept out of the water. They didn't stay dry for very long, though, because they both hopped into Silver Lake Ditch on our way up the mountain. We passed a pair of friendly hikers who were headed the same way as us and stopped as they said hello to the dogs. We continued to pass each other back and forth between breaks in the shade, and the pack enjoyed checking in with them each time.

Variety Pack

Sanni, Carl, Milo and Zoey walked by Wonderland Lake this afternoon. Despite the hot sun, Zoey and Sanni wanted to stop and sniff around alot even when we weren't in the shade. The dogs weren't that interested in drinking water from the Camelbak but I sprayed everyone around their necks and ears to help keep them cool.


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