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Monday Pack Activities (11/18/2024)

Adventure Pack

Rey and Bear were enjoying rough-housing in a patch of snow, when a couple other dogs came up the trail behind us. They rushed over to sniff greetings, and then the other two dogs ambled up to Ruffers to say hello. After walking a short stretch of trail together, we split ways as the pack headed to the Flatiron Loop. Ruffers was all about doubling back to sniff at boulders along the edge of the trail. Bear was quick to come over and check them out with her; Rey didn't put her nose to work like her packmates. We passed a wild turkey who was passing through, a short distance off the trail. Rey had just switched on leash with Ruffers, which was fortunate because she was the only one who seemed to notice or care about the fowl.

Variety Pack

Alfie and Bear sniffed noses with our new pack member Teo for a good couple minutes, when Teo first joined them in the packmobile. When we picked up Dylan, he was more accepting of the new puppy packmate than I had expected - only growling briefly and not that intensely, and even giving Teo a couple licks on the nose. I think it helped that Teo was much less wired than when he first joined the pack last Friday. Carl was still unimpressed with Teo's lack of poise and coordination. Alfie, Lou, Carl, Teo and Dylan walked Bear Creek Greenway. Lou started off the walk by stopping in place repeatedly, but then kept up at a regular pace once we got past the park. Teo got ahead a bit, but already pulled with less force than on Friday. Carl was quick to head to the mile-marker boulder by the basketball courts and lift his leg after getting the news. Alfie, Dylan, and Teo all joined in the sniffing while Lou stood aside and waited, then came to me for some scratches when I squatted down and invited her over. The rest of the walk was pleasant and uneventful, with frequent, mild corrections and adjustments with Teo, who kept creeping ahead and crossing over into my leg.



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