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Monday Pack Activities

Morning Pack

Racer, Milo, Blu and Gidget took a walk around Wonderland Lake this morning. It was a much more comfortable temperature out than it was last Thursday and Friday, so the pack was able to enjoy the time out without the need to hurry back to the warmth of indoors.

Adventure Pack

The Chautauqua was possibly the busiest today that I have ever seen it, with crowds of people gathered at the trailhead and a steady stream both up and down Bluebell Road. It got a little sparser once we headed up the Mesa Trail, but we still saw far more people and dogs than usual. A lot of the dogs were off leash, and the pack enjoyed saying hello. The first to come up to us was a little black Pug named Winston. We also encountered a friendly Klee Kai, an Aussiedoodle, a couple Samoyeds, an Australian Cattle Dog, a Spaniel, and a variety of others. Dylan was typically the first to walk up and sniff hello. The dogs would then come over to greet Racer and Avo on leash. Ruffers was usually lagging behind from the previous encounter, and would then almost catch up to the pack before stopping to say hello to the next dog. Later on, Avo went off leash for a bit. Her first move was to bolt into the distance. Thankfully, she turned as she approached the crest and then returned to the pack. The Spaniel we saw followed her lead.

Variety Pack

Blu and Rey were very interested in a large flock of geese we saw in the distance as we were walking the aptly-named Goose Creek Greenway this afternoon. Zoey, Milo, Carl and Lou didn't seem to take notice of the waterfowl. Carl was busy sniffing away in the grass, and the others were just casually hanging around. It was a pleasant afternoon - not busy like the Chautauqua, but not as empty as it sometimes can be out that way. We didn't hear any cackling coyotes this time, or whatever it was that made such a racket there last week.



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