Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Archie was full of energy on the hike this morning. He kept standing up on his hind legs to watch dogs we passed, as they walked away. He frequently tried to stir Sanni up into playing with him. Sanni sometimes ignored him, but often made some moves in return, so I kept stopping to remind them that we were on a walk and it wasn't play time like when they are at the house together. Archie gave Dylan some attention, too, by sneaking over and licking his face. Dylan took the attention in stride without giving much of a reaction.
Variety Pack
Zoey, Carl, Rey, Ruffers and Lou headed to the Boulder Creek Path for their afternoon jaunt. It was a quiet time, without much traffic on the path. The pack pulled over in a field across from the kids' fishing pond. They all seemed pretty eager to put their noses to the ground. When I realized their enthusiasm was probably to to the prevalence of goose droppings in the area, I hurried them away and pack onto the path.