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Friday Pack Activities (9/20/2024)

Adventure Pack

We started off on Baseline Trail, where Nelly has had a habit of stalling. Today, she pulled aside to sniff and pee frequently, but was always eager to keep moving forward once her curiosity was satisfied. Lou, Yoshi, and Lumi were all happy to poke around a bit in the grass as well. We passed a couple small, feisty pups who barked as we went by, and Yoshi really wanted to create some chaos with them. We kept He looked back over his shoulder as we made our way up the trail past them, imagining what trouble they could've gotten into together. A few different hiking groups admired Lou in her pearl collar.

Variety Pack

Alfie was very interested in the squirrels at Martin Park this afternoon. Ruffers, Lou, and Lumi had their noses down, sniffing along the edge between the mowed grass beside the path and the tall grass beyond. Lumi and Lou were pretty tuckered out after having already hiked with the Adventure Pack, and they both happily took opportunities to lie down whenever we came to a stop for more than a brief moment.

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