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Friday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

The parking was pretty full at the Chautauqua, but the Mesa Trail was actually a little less busy than earlier in the week. Roger Roger, Dylan, and Sputnik all got to spend some time checking out the trails off-leash. Dylan and Roger Roger took their time on our way up to Enchanted Mesa. Roger Roger would stay behind to sniff, then run to catch up. Dylan kept a steadier but slower pace until we reached the far point of our hike and started heading back down - at which point he took the lead, just like Wednesday. We came across an old friend - an elderly gentleman who used to hike with his Golden Retriever before he passed, and who continued to hike many of the same routes as us since. He is now volunteering with OSMP. Sputnik and Roger Roger went up to say hello. I'm not sure Dylan had met our friend before; he was a little more shy, and hung back by me. Sputnik was especially happy to catch up, which made our friend's day.

Variety Pack

Ruffers, Zoey, and Lou headed to Boulder Creek for our walk this cool, autumn afternoon. Zoey was more interested in sniffing around than usual, so we spent a lot of time in Eben G. Fine Park and at various other stops along the way. Ruffers and Lou were happy to sniff along with Zoey, even though they typically weren't the ones initiating our stops. There were lots of geese at the Kids' Fishing Pond, and it was tricky trying to dodge all the droppings they left on the path and in the grass beside it. The dogs were all very interested in sniffing around there, but I didn't let them linger.



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