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Friday Pack Activities (8/4/2023)

Adventure Pack

Dylan ventured ahead to hop into Silver Lake Ditch on our way up Red Rocks Trail, with Lou and Yoshi following behind on leash with me. Yoshi hopped, spun and bowed playfully in the water while his packmates took more leisurely approaches to their dips; however, Lou made a good splash when she shook off while she was still in the water. We headed back down from the mountain without taking Anemone Trail today, and spent the rest of the outing along Boulder Creek.

Variety Pack

Lumi and Yoshi had fun wrestling around with each other at the house before the walk, as they have quickly become accustomed to. When Lumi lay down to take a break, Zoey and Yoshi paired up to dodge and chase each other in circles, with Carl egging them on with barks. Lumi let out a few jealous woofs of his own. We then headed to Boulder Creek Path, where Lumi and Zoey got a good soak in the creek. Yoshi was in and out of the water. Carl stood on a step where the water came up to his ankles. As we walked the shady dirt path closest to the creek, a medium-sized garter snake slithered by just ahead of us. The pack took no notice, but I made sure Yoshi and Lumi didn't venture into the brush where the snake had gone. Carl and Zoey wanted to make a lot of stops on the return leg of the walk. One stop was at a tree that drew the interest of the whole pack, and we hung out a minute while they all gave it a thorough nose check.



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