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Friday Pack Activities (8/25/2023)

Adventure Pack

Yoshi, Archie, Lou and Dylan headed up Red Rocks Trail and looped around the spurs as we made our way up and down the mountain a couple times. The trails were mostly empty but we did encounter one large group of hikers by the red rock formation. Again no disturbances detected by Dylan today. We didn't need to make stops at Silver Lake Ditch since it was such a cool and damp day. Yoshi had some trouble keeping his place and not pulling ahead. Meanwhile, Archie did a good job following just behind him. At one point, Yoshi had an outburst of wild, playful energy and tried jumping all over Archie to get him going with him. To my surprise, Archie listened to me and didn't engage with Yoshi. Yoshi, on the other hand, eventually had to have his position moved to the opposite side of me in order to get him to stop trying to stir things up. Yoshi assessed that Lou and Dylan were not viable targets for his antics, and they made no moves to contradict that assessment.

Variety Pack

Lumi, Taco and Yoshi all had a blast wrestling around with each other before heading out to Bear Creek Greenway for a walk along with Zoey, Carl and Ruffers. It was overcast and the ground was damp, but there was hardly a sprinkle as we walked through Martin Park and along the paved multi-use path that makes up the greenway. Everyone did an exceptionally good job of walking in place and on pace. The only exception was when Yoshi had another playful outburst just like during the Adventure Pack, right after we started looping back for the return leg of the walk. This time his attentions were directed at Lumi, who was much more susceptible than Archie had earlier proven to be. I separated the two rambunctious pups to opposite sides for the remainder of the walk, and that was enough to keep them from getting derailed again.

Bonus Pack

Gidget, Blu and Monkey enjoyed a walk to Wonderland Lake with Jen. Monkey was a handful today, living up to her name as she jumped around all over the place while also doing her best to get as many leashes in her mouth as possible. Blu did well when they were on the move but took advantage of each pause required to untangle Monkey, by turning his attention to Gidget and trying to tackle her. I guess Monkey and Blu were moved by the same spirit that got into Yoshi today. Maybe something about the change in weather.


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