Friday Pack Activities
Adventure Pack
Sanni and Lizzo were excited to join the hike this morning with Dylan and Sputnik. They both took a bit of wrangling to get them on the program, when they just wanted to follow their noses through the Chautauqua Park, but they did a good job once we got going. Dylan and Sputnik led the way while they were off leash, and readily circled back whenever I called them. We saw quite a few other dogs hiking with their people on the trails. Lizzo woofed at a couple of the dogs, while Sanni woofed at a couple of the people; Dylan and Sputnik minded their manners.
Variety Pack
Mamacita enjoyed a good roll in the grass at Martin Park at the beginning of our walk this afternoon. Zoey and Lou stood over her, while Ruffers and Carl sniffed around in the grass. We kept a steady pace for the walk after that, except when we stopped by the basketball courts, where the dogs always like to sniff around.