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Friday Pack Activities

Adventure Pack

Sputnik helped warn the neighborhood around the Chautauqua about the approach of a fire engine, when he joined in with his own howl to match the sounding siren. Dylan chimed in with a few woofs. Surprisingly, Avo was the one pack member who didn't react at all to the big, noisy truck that passed by. At the end of the hike, Avo flopped down in the grass at the Chautauqua Park, while Dylan lay down and Sputnik sidled up to me.

Variety Pack

There were countless baby grasshoppers hopping across the trail at Foothills Park in north Boulder. The dogs all passed through the swarm at the beginning of our afternoon hike, without any reaction. We looped down around Wonderland Lake and back up to the park. Upon our return, Blu leaned down to sniff at one grasshopper who landed right in front of him. Ruffers, Gidget, and Lou all continued to ignore the little green bugs hopping all around us.



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