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Friday Pack Activities (5/5/2023)

Adventure Pack

Taco and Yoshi happily drank water from the Camelbak as we hiked up the Chautauqua. Dylan wanted to hang out in the shade but wasn't very keen on drinking, although he did accept some when I got it tucked under his lip. Taco wanted to keep pressing forward the entire hike. Dylan stayed close to the pack when he spent some time off leash. Yoshi was very curious about all the other hikers as well as the wildlife. In particular, there were some dragonflies along Bluebell Road that held his attention as we passed by.

Variety Pack

Zoey, Carl, Taco and Yoshi headed to the Goose Creek Greenway for an afternoon stroll. Everybody kept on pace and in formation pretty well throughout the wak. Zoey and Carl swapped positions with each other every so often, as did Taco and Yoshi at my other side, but not often enough to tangle up leashes. There were a couple times Yoshi became curious about Carl, and tried to cross in front of me to check on him, but he fell back into place pretty easily as we kept walking. There were no prairie dogs chirping at us today. The path was pretty quiet, though there were some bicyclists riding to and fro.



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